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Media Terms and Conditions

1. Consent

I consent and grant permission for Plastic Free Foundation to use video, photographs, audio, or other image recordings of me for public release to support the marketing and communications objectives of Plastic Free Foundation.

I understand that the information collected may be published either complete or in part alone or in conjunction with any wording and/or drawings for all uses, including publicity and/or merchandising and/or editorial purposes in any country.

Contributors must obtain consent from any individuals appearing in the video content, including but not limited to, recognisable individuals, minors, or people with disabilities, before submitting the content.

2. Modification

I understand that Plastic Free Foundation retains the right to edit this content before publication for brevity, artistic presentation, relevance and/or cost. Whilst we aim to include all video content contributed to this project, we retain the right to exclude video content for brevity, artistic presentation, and relevance.

3. Liability

I acknowledge that no monies or other consideration in any form, including reimbursement for any expenses incurred by me, will become due to me, at any time because of my participation. I understand that I do not have any interest in the copyright of the content, nor shall I receive any further payment. Contributors shall be solely responsible for the content they submit. Plastic Free Foundation is not liable for any claims, damages, expenses, or losses arising out of or related to the content submitted.

4. Age Limitations

Contributors must be at least 18 years of age or have a parent or legal guardian’s permission to participate in the campaign.

5. Originality

The content submitted must be original, and contributors must hold all necessary rights and permissions to grant the license to the campaign. The content must not contain any copyrighted material, trademarks, or logos that belong to third parties, except for those that the contributor has permission to use.

6. Recognition

The campaign may choose to give credit to contributors for their content but is not obligated to do so.

7. Governing Law

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Commonwealth of Australia.

8. Contacting Participants

Plastic Free Foundation retains the right to contact contributors whose video content is included in the final campaign video to provide a thank you and a link to view the campaign video. Although not all video content may be included in the final campaign video, we want to thank all contributors for their participation in the campaign.

Last updated: 9 May 2023

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